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* @(#)javaString.h 1.16 98/07/01
* Copyright 1995-1998 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.,
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, California, 94303, U.S.A.
* All rights reserved.
* This software is the confidential and proprietary information
* of Sun Microsystems, Inc. ("Confidential Information"). You
* shall not disclose such Confidential Information and shall use
* it only in accordance with the terms of the license agreement
* you entered into with Sun.
* Java string utilities
#ifndef _JAVASTRING_H_
#define _JAVASTRING_H_
#include "oobj.h"
#include "java_lang_String.h"
* Print the String object with prints.
void javaStringPrint(Hjava_lang_String *);
* Return the length of the String object.
int javaStringLength(Hjava_lang_String *);
* Create and return a new Java String object, initialized from the C string.
Hjava_lang_String *makeJavaString(char *, int);
* Create a new C string initialized from the specified Java string,
* and return a pointer to it.
* For makeCString, temporary storage is allocated and released automatically
* when all references to the returned value are eliminated. WARNING: You
* must keep this pointer in a variable to prevent the storage from getting
* garbage collected.
* For allocCString, a "malloc" is used to get the storage; the caller is
* responsible for "free"ing the pointer that is returned.
char *makeCString(Hjava_lang_String *s);
char *allocCString(Hjava_lang_String *s);
* Get the characters of the String object into a unicode string buffer.
* No allocation occurs. Assumes that len is less than or equal to
* the length of the string, and that the buf is at least len+1 unicodes
* in size. The unicode buffer's address is returned.
unicode *javaString2unicode(Hjava_lang_String *, unicode *, int);
* Get the characters of the String object into a C string buffer.
* No allocation occurs. Assumes that len is the size of the buffer.
* The C string's address is returned.
char *javaString2CString(Hjava_lang_String *, char *, int);
* convert Java String to platform encoding string.
char *makePlatformCString(Hjava_lang_String *);
* convert platform encoding string to Java String.
Hjava_lang_String *makeJavaStringFromPlatformCString(char *, int);
* Returns the number of bytes needed to hold a Java string in UTF
* format, NOT including the terminating NULL.
* Returns -1 if something is wrong.
javaStringUTFLength(HString *s);
* Fill buf with unicode representation of hstr, upto buflen chars.
* The UTF string will be NUL-terminated.
* If both buf and buflen are 0, malloc an appropriately sized
* buffer for the result.
* Return result buffer.
char *javaString2UTF(HString *, char *, int);
* Create a Java String whose characters are initialized from
* the supplied NUL-terminated UTF string.
HString *makeJavaStringUTF(char *);
#endif /* !_JAVASTRING_H_ */